Cheese Tasting and Other Roadside Attractions

Road trips are fun, but long road trips can be a bit of a bore sometimes. You cannot stop at roadside attractions because you're trying to make time to your main destination. But short day trips can solve that. Just like what we did two days after last Christmas. Our destination was Point Reyes National Seashore, a favorite day trip destination of ours.

We took a different route this time and found ourselves in a very small town in Nicasio Valley.

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The horses were the reason why we stopped. They were "courting" or it looked like it.

A few yards away there was a church, it was closed.

To the right of the church is the "town". Outside of that one car, it looked deserted.

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Not far, we saw this sign. Without set schedule to follow, we stopped for a little look-see.

Joining other tourists in sampling the artisanal organic cheeses they make on site.

Left the small store/tasting room with 2 types of cheese.

Continuing our drive, we saw a sign for hiking path. Naturally, we wanted to investigate what's there. We never get to stop on previous drives out here because we had somewhere else to go.

We took the path and at the beginning of the path was a picnic table where two elderly gentlemen were having spirited discussion about local politics over coffee and croissant. We went further and photographed nature.

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We crossed the bridge.

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To get to the river, or is it a creek? The colors of winter in the Bay Area.

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There are a few birds to be seen. Pardon the dirty lens.

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I cannot pass up the chance to photograph a dried thistle, or again is it teasle?

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Or Spanish moss.

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Don't know what this is but it's beautiful.

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The path.

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I really like showing you my world every week.



  1. It is a nice trip, nice photos too. I love the wilderness type of adventure which looks safe there because of very limited vegetation mostly meadows or prairie. You can see even from a very long distance unlike here in the tropics. I love most that beautiful bridge though.

  2. What a great sequence of shots. I love them all. The horse shot is fantastic and I'd love to taste the cheese and walk in the beautiful scenery.

  3. It's always fun to travel a different way. The scenery is lovely and the cheese looks delicious.

  4. That's a fun series of photos. I'd love to take a "slow" road trip like this, but like you say, we've always got a long way to go and just try to get there.

  5. What lovely shots - I really like the horses!

  6. Some good wilderness shots.

  7. Lovely images from your day trip. I love the horses and the scenes from your nature walk.. Just lovely. Have a happy day!

  8. Looks like pussy willow??? Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

  9. Wonderful road trip with beautiful scenes.

  10. This was a great place to stop and check it out. Thanks for taking us along. Well done.

  11. These are beautiful photos - the first one of the horses is gorgeous! It looks like pussy willows in your photo after the thistle.

  12. GORGEOUS picturesā™”ā™”ā™” I wish I could touch horse even once p;)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  13. Hi! Nice collection of various kind of photos. Your macro photo is very beautiful. The cheese looks very delicious.
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Awesome nature shots! I wouldn't think twice about sampling cheese... :-)


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