Israel & Jordan: Qumran National Park & Kalia Beach Dead Sea

Moving on with this last day in Israel, we visited the Qumran National Park where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered between a ten-year period in 1946-1956. The Dead Sea Scrolls are a set of manuscripts from the Second Temple period. The discovery of the scroll enabled the scholars to reconstruct the world of Jesus. Over 900 scrolls were discovered, 700 of them are non-Biblical writings about community rules, military strategies and daily prayers, etc.



Inside the visitor center, there were displays of reconstructions of how the Israelites lived in those days.



Dead Sea scrolls

Afterwards we got to go in the back where there were still excavations going on. The landscape was a reminder of the red stones of Utah. It really has that feel of Utah, but with all the archeological ruins. Here, the sun was in full glory and it got to be a tad warm. However, there was a pavilion where we all ducked under to avoid the burning heat. In the spot, you can see the cave where the scrolls were found. To be honest, I am totally ignorant of these major find. I have no clue what these scrolls are but I have heard of them previously, at most.




The cave where the scrolls were found.



The Dead Sea from Qumran NP.





A few of us were wishing we had time to hike here instead of just visiting the excavation site.

Lunch was at Qumran - they have a restaurant attached to the visitor center - then onto the destination that was most awaited by all today, the Dead Sea.

We went to Kalia Beach, which is a resort-type facility. They have accommodation and restaurants inside. They also have a bar, which have the distinction of being the "Lowest Bar in the World, -420". Sadly the only photo I have of it is with me and that photo is not for public consumption - wink.




Glamping accommodation







What an incredible last day in Israel this was. Well, the whole 8 days in Israel was a joyful time. That evening Simon hosted a farewell party for us. Not all of us were moving on to Jordan.


  1. When we went to Israel our trip wound up heading to a part of the Dead Sea that smelled like a corpse. I washed out every article of clothing that came within a mile of that place and wound up having to throw out the suitcase. I'm not sure why they chose that location, but I sure wouldn't go back to that particular spot! Looks much more inviting here!

    Thank you for sharing with us this week at

    1. Sorry for your experience. If you come to my next post, you will see there's a better beach along the Dead Sea on the Jordan side.

  2. Such a humble cave for such famous scrolls.
    I can't even imagine - 450 feet in elevation.

  3. Did you rub the mud from the Dead Sea all over your body? They said it is hygienic but hmmm no thanks, I rather not. Too much of a hassle to get the mud off. LOL The rest of the group tour did and said their skin felt better after the scrub.

  4. Wow such a deep historic record of ancient Jewish life there!

  5.'s interesting to see the Dead Sea, something that I've heard about.

  6. Wondful place, Amazing photos, Thanks the details post.

  7. I love reading about history and I knew about the Dead Sea Scrolls, but to see these photos made the history come alive. I was surprised to see they had a fragment of one scroll on display. I wondered why bathing in the sea is dangerous for those with high blood pressure so I had to look it up and indeed it is dangerous for those with high blood pressure or any kind of heart disease if they ingest the water.

  8. A remarkable - but troubled - part of the world. Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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