Let's Walk Some More

IMG_0108, originally uploaded by airam94564.

One of my favorite places to walk in the city is by the waterfront. Sure, it does have a lot of tourists and you have to fight for pavement space, but the views are simply spectacular.

Taken while on a moving vehicle.


  1. This waterfront looks like a lovely place to walk. The reason for all the tourist is because it's so spectacular.

  2. I love the waterfront too and in fact, I took some waterfront pictures too last Saturday with the purpose of posting them on my blog. However, I got into an accident on my way home. Thus, I haven't had the chance to post the pics yet. I hope to do so soon. :-(

  3. You are very lucky to have a place where you can walk amidst beautiful scenery and breathe fresh air. wish I had that.

  4. Taken from a moving vehicle? Pretty sharp! Nice colors too.

  5. The views have to be spectacular to fight the crowds, but it looks like you're right about it being worth it.

  6. wow! who would not love to walk there! beautiful bridge.

  7. Fantastic view, and well worth battling the tourists for. :)

  8. It's a lovely view from afar and I'm sure the view from the top is also very beautiful.


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