Vernal or Nevada?

Yosemite, originally uploaded by M'roy.

I always get mixed up with all the waterfalls in Yosemite.


  1. You found an perfect viewpoint!

  2. a pretty amazing view! majestic.

  3. So is this in Yosimite or Vernal, now am confused too...hehehe, nonetheless it is a perfect picture. oh, the title of my post is just something I've read that we shouldn't be attached to anything even to our names or image, or could be anything. I've chosen the spider coz it is the opposite of being unattached as the creature is a clinging type, i guess. :) Have a happy week!

  4. Alway beautiful, one of my favorite places and this shot is magnificent. I think it's Vernal but not a view I'm familiar with, I don't have anything like it in my archive. Maybe a telephoto from a viewpoint on the Glacier Point Road?

  5. stunning view from the top! i always look at waterfalls from below. didnt know it can be as stunning when one sees it from the top.

  6. Martha --- I checked my archives too, but nothing from this angle. I think you're right this was somewhere near Glacier Point. It's hard to tell looking down which one it is.

  7. love the view point though my knees are already shaking while looking at your picture.

  8. That is an amazing shot, It looks like you were flying over the falls when you tool it. I can almost see the water moving...


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