Egypt: Day 3 (Boat Ride to Philae)

Day 3 continued with a visit to the Temple at Philae immediately after leaving Aswan Dam. There was a short drive from the High Dam to the low dam where the temple was. I didn't know that Philae was an island and that we would be taking a short yet scenic boat ride.

I thought making a separate post for the boat ride is required to give a better description of the places we've been to on this trip.

Once we stepped off the bus, we were herded like good, tired, and sleepy sheeps that we were towards the dock. And what a busy dock it was, full of people selling all kinds of knick-knacks and souvenir items. We all managed to ignore the shopping part; although on the boat that we were, there were two hawkers allowed to peddle locally-made jewelry items. I think that was part of the deal to have hawkers on the boat to help local economy.

The dock was filled with colorful boats. The sky was a perfect blue with wisps of white clouds and a lovely breeze to cool down the already hot day, and it probably was not even 10 am yet.

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When we passed by the island of Philae and saw some structures, I did not know it was already the temple.

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  1. Gorgeous blue skies - looks like a wonderful trip!

  2. What a lively scene you captured with the vendors and the boats. The structure on the island is interesting as well. It would all be overwhelming if one were tired.

  3. I love all the colorful boats in the harbor, and beautiful skies!!

  4. Beautiful.

  5. Hello, awesome trip and photos. The views from the boat are just amazing. Enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend.

  6. Your pictures are worth many thousands of words ... Neat to find your blog thanks to your kind comment on mine.

  7. Great shots of an amazing trip. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Really a great and informative trip you had in a land famous for its unique architecture. Colorful boats are a sight to see!

  9. Looks like a very interesting trip you had. Can see that the dock is very busy and lots of things to see or buy.

  10. Magnificent place and wonderful photography!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Oh, that looks wonderful! Enjoyed your pictures!

  12. Amazing place! Beautiful photos :)


  13. Of course you'd be on a trip to Egypt! HA! I never know what part of the world you'll show next, Maria. I don't ever expect to see the Middle East, any part of it, so it's good to see it through your eyes. And regarding the boat hawkers, i like that it's part of the deal to have them on the boat to help local economy. This is leave something for the benefit of the people we as tourists visit!


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