An Afternoon In The Garden

Ruth Bancroft Garden and Nursery, a 3.5-acre botanical garden and retail nursery in Walnut Creek, California, is one of the places we've been meaning to visit for decades now. Somehow we kept forgetting to go there. Last month, though, we found a free Saturday afternoon and immediately penciled the garden in our schedule to make sure we definitely gets to visit it.

According to the self-guided tour book given to the visitors, the gardens mission is: to preserve this exceptional example of dry-garden design and to continue to develop its collection of water-conserving plants for the education of the public.

It was a beautiful and pleasant late May afternoon when we visited. We were given the self-guided tour book to follow upon paying the entrance fee. I did not open the booklet at all while I was there and just felt content to walk around and enjoy all the plants. While walking around we were approached by a docent. Unbeknownst to us we could have availed of their services. Maybe nex time we visit we'll surely request for one.

The garden has a peaceful setting, with benches and seating areas scattered throughout the place. Had I known this, I would have brought some snacks. It's a great place to chill, unwind and recharge.

On the way out, I mentioned to the lady at the booth that they need a coffee cart here to complete the experience. Naturally, she agreed with me.

Here are some of the photos from this first visit.

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I'm not knowledgeable about plants. This one I found truly fascinating. It seemed like it just sprouted from the ground with just a small trunk and a beautiful bloom.

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This one I found unique due to the color of its flowers.



Husband's allergies in full bloom which necessitated the wearing of mask.

Here's the link to my Flick'r album for more photos.


  1. I'm back to blog hopping. Unfortunately, there are not that many blogs as before. People have moved on to vlogging. I'm not yet ready to blog again after everything that has happened in just a span of three years. Still mentally, physically and dare I say financially broken right now. Such is life. *sighs* But I'm really glad your blog is still around. Lovely pictures, as always. Soothingly relaxing. =)

  2. Beautiful! It has a very deserty feel. I like seeing the barrel cactus and the Joshua trees!

  3. Beautiful photos of some amazing plants. Walnut Creek's my home town!

  4. What a nice visit and wonderful photography.


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