Israel & Jordan 2023: First Night in Amman


Movenpick is our home for the last two nights of this wonderful trip. We arrived around 6 pm and a bit of wait for the tour manager to get all our room keys.


Waiting in the lobby for our room keys. Afterwards we were on our own the rest of the evening.


Knowing full well how my husband's brain works, I knew that we would not be eating in the hotel nor would we be resting. Besides, I was also itching to see what's in the neighborhood, although I was a bit apprehensive about our safety.

We set out on foot and had lucked out when a few yards away we stumbled upon the first food truck park in Amman.


A very nice food truck serving burgers.

We went around the food truck park and saw few people patronizing the establishments there. I suppose being the first of this kind it would take some time for the citizens to warm up to it. We left the park on the other side of the block and decided to walk the length of the main road for just sightseeing and also to scout for place to get dinner.


The tour manager jokingly said to us that we will be passing by the American Embassy on the way to the hotel, then pointed to the Golden Arches.


A mother and daughter duo in our tour group were also out walking when they pointed to Hardee's, which was not available to us in California. I believe what we have is Carl's Jr.


There were few poeple walking and we felt very safe.

And then, we reached the sweet shop, two of them, near each other. One of these shops was where the tour director bought the sesame cookies that he shared with us. They also sell baklava and other sweets aside from the cookies. We asked permission to photograph them.








These are the well-loved sesame cookies, thin, crunchy, covered in sesame seeds and highly addictive.


Shot from the overhead pedestrian bridge.


On the other side of the road, we met a familiar facade.


Behind these flowers are the two sweet shops.

We entered a small grocery store due to curiosity.




Jellies and marmalades.


Curious, but did not try this.


We ended up getting a local fastfood shop that sells shawerma, etc.

In regards to safety, we found the places we visited in Jordan very safe. I'm just naturally a nervous person, hence I'm always wary at the start, but then I realized my anxiety had no basis.


  1. I am not the traveler you are but it is best to be cautious of your surroundings at first.

    I love the mix of the familiar (McDonalds, etc) and the exotic - to me the sweet shops and the other shops are exotic and very interesting.

  2. The sesame cookies indeed seem great!
    Beautiful photos of your walk in the neighbourhood!

  3. I guess they have McDees everywhere, the food looks really good.

  4. There are certain areas in Amman which aren't safe so I understand you being anxious. But I think that goes for any city in the world. Those local sweets look delicious but might be too sinful for my blood glucose level. lol

  5. Amazing series of photos, Food looks delicious, Loved the post.

  6. Oh my gosh, so much yummy food! And those sweet shops!!

  7. You are Good travel companions!

  8. ...if I went that far, I wouldn't eat American junk food!

  9. Good to be cautious when in unfamiliar surroundings. Love the baklava and the spices! Reminds me of Istanbul. As for the chain store, I would try them because they offer local stuff, like Greek salad in Athens, tiramisu in Rome in McDonalds. Hardees is popular in the South; I've only had breakfast there. Great biscuit!

  10. Exploring the area around your hotel sounds like a blast. I love venturing out in new places too, but totally get prioritizing safety. Those sesame cookies and spices are seriously tempting - they look incredible! And how cool seeing American fast food with a Jordanian twist - McDonald's! (We only have Carl's Jr. back here in Cambodia, so a little jealous!)

  11. What a beautiful walk around town. The food looks great.


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