Israel & Jordan 2023: St. George's Church in Madaba

Day 12 continued on with more touring, after a long drive from Petra City to Mount Nebo and now in Madaba. Mid afternoon we left the Mosaic Workshop to continue on with the itinerary of the day, which is the the St. George's Church, also in Madaba.

We arrived at the city parking lot, where a huge mosaic depicting Jordan's King's Highway decorate a large wall. It is 19 feet high by 98 feet long and contains over three million tiles.



Across the street is the Madaba Visitor Center.


From here, we went to the St. George's Greek Orthodox Church on foot.




Surprised to see Mystic Pizza there. Anyone remember the old Julia Roberts movie?



Arrived at the church. It was more crowded than what my picture show.


The church was small and it was very crowded when we got there that the tour director led us to the building next to it called Interpretation Center/gift shop.


Inside the Interpretation Center is a huge map and benches so we started our education here, until the groups leave the church.


We were able to wait out the other groups, then it was our turn. The building on the right is the Interpretation Center.


This church is known for it's Madaba mosaic map that covered the floor of the church. The church was built in 1896 AD, over the remains of a much earlier 6th century Byzantine church. The mosaic panel enclosing the Map was originally around 15.6 X 6m, 94 sq.m., only about a quarter of which is preserved.


The walls are full of colorful icons,



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On the walk back to the bus, we passed this with a sign that says Archeological Park of Madaba, Virgin Mary Church, which raised my curiosity. I know this trip was not pilgrimmage and the reason behind the church visit is due to the archeological find of Madaba mosaic map, but I wish we took a little peek of this place.

Also on the walk back we were given samples of sweets by store owners.

It was about 5 pm at this time and we have about 45 to an hour's drive away to the destination of the night which is Amman, the capital city.



Like any big city, we hit rush-hour traffic.

This trip is almost to the very end. One full day in Amman and then it's over.


  1. All the sights beautifully captured!

  2. Thanks for sharing with us this week at

  3. It is always fascinating to visit places of worship of other denominations. Great shots, as usual.

  4. That's a beautiful Church inside and no wonder you wanted to know more about it -- but you came so much closer to knowing than most of us.

  5. ...I'm surprised to see Mystic Pizza and I remember the old Julia Roberts movie!

  6. gorgeous photos ~ and such history ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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