Burning Man Memorabilia

Have you heard of Burning Man? Have you been?

I've heard of it, of course, and have no desire to participate due to a thousand reasons. So imagine my surprise when we stumbled into some sort of mini Burning Man exhibit.

I live in the SF Bay Area for those that did not know; not only is there a lot of activities going on during the weekend, there are seemingly endless places to see. We've been here for 30 years and it seems like we've only scratched the surface.

A decade ago, perhaps even 15 years ago, we visited Point Molate, which is about 15 miles from where I live. We like driving around, stopping to get some steps as we soaked in the scenery.

So in early June on a random Sunday after church we thought we'd pay it another visit after all those years, just to see if there are any changes. As far as I am concerned, I hardly know any people who go and visit, although people know of it because there's a freeway exit. However, we were keen on getting our steps and we know for sure there would be walking paths here.

We were pleasantly surprised to see that there is a Point Molate Beach Park. It definitely was not there when we visited. (Although according to wiki, it was always there, but closed in 2001 and reopened in 2014). This was the spot to get our steps in, but then we decided to just keep on driving all the way to the end, because we couldn't remember if we had done so in the past.

As we hit the dead end (fenced off), we noted that cars were taking a right turn to a sign that said Sailing Goat Restaurant, so we followed. This is a place we've never been before so we were excited.

Who knew there existed this place. A friendly little spot, with a restaurant, boat houses, walking trail, public beach and art installations. At first we had no clue what these arts are and who made them. We asked a guy on a cig break (yes there are still smokers in Cali) if he worked here and if he knew what these arts were. He said they were from the Burning Art festival brought here by the owners of this place. It was after I got home that I sought Mr. Google's help and found interesting articles about this place and the art, which I listed below this post.



Art: La Victrola. Artists: Tim Bremner, Marcel Cacdac and Nick Fynn (from the Bay Area)


Can't find artist or name of art.


Artist: Kate Raudenbush. Can't find the name of the art. The iron work, metal work or whatever you call it is exquisite. I love it.





Another mysterious Burning Man art.




On the other side of the harbor is Asterpod by Michael Christian, a Berkeley artist. I don't know if this one is also from Burning Man.


Other things to see:



The Sailing Goat Restaurant, which was packed on that Sunday.


Shot from up a hill, on a walking trail.




Skywatching at the water's edge.


This cutie pie was also out for a walk on that beautiful June Sunday.


We stopped to photograph the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge (one of the 8 bridges of the Bay Area) before driving home.

Must read articles:






I cannot wait for this to happen.


  1. Fascinating sculptures! Thanks for joining us at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/08/a-peek-behind-scenes.html this week!

  2. These are amazing. What a great find!! Glad you followed the road to the end. I've seen photos of a couple Burning Man pieces making there way out to Joshua Tree.

  3. Wonderful place , Art installations amazing , Loved this post.

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